Monday, February 1, 2010

Superboy #2(March 1994)

Superboy sure has a way with the ladies, doesn't he?


  1. Okay wait, so going off your tags, I'm assuming this chick's name is Knockout. If so that's incredibly genius.

  2. Lol. Everything about this is sooo sexual. That chick is pretty awesome knocking out Superboy like that. And I still can't get over the fact that breasticles were eye candy for readers, even in the 90's. lol. Her rack was HUGE! lol

    Sex sells. lol. :-P

  3. Yup JT, that's Knockout, Superboy's on again off again enemy/love interest. She appears a few times over the course of this series and depending on how you read into it, her relationship with SB becomes a lot more then a simple case of puppy love along the way.

    Ha, yeah Falisha, it didn't matter if it was the 90's, the 80's, the 70's or today, sex always sells!

  4. Hm...are you suggesting that SB and Knockout trade more than proverbial fists? Hm...if you have any pics that support this theory I'd be interested in seeing them. And Lol @ Falisha, Knockout can give Mine Wieringo's Starfire a run for her money in the breast department.

  5. Hmm no one usually has bigger breasticles over WW. lol. Alex Ross usually does a fine job of showcasing her um....perky assets lol.

  6. Ha, yes JT, that is EXACTLY what I'm suggesting! I'll see what I can dig out for ya.

    Well, sure WW does have some... pronounced breasticles(heh...), but I think Power Girl might have something to say about who has the perkiest assets!

  7. Lol really? How can they get away with that...Now I'm just Super curious. Lol @ you guys, and yeah PG has her beat but I don't know, I think Mighty Endowed takes the proverbial perky cake.

  8. Lol. She doesn't count!! PG tits seem so...unrealistically fake when to comes to being natural looking. But, meh can't hate on her, she does have some um grande chi chi's. lol.

  9. Yeah, I might have to disqualify Mighty Endowed too JT... I mean, I don't think we ever really got a full glimpse of her, did we?

    Yeah Falisha, depending on the artist, PG can go from "Wow, she's huge!", to "How the hell does she stand upright with those things!!!"

  10. Lol yeah they hid them, that's how massively big they are. I vote for PG then, she's a super kryptonian with a Super rack, even Supergirl doesn't have that and their basically the same person. Also I vote for a Booster/PG hook up.

  11. Checking out their racks eh? I don't know if I approve. :-P

  12. Yeah, I always found the differences between SG and PG kind of weird, considering the fact that they are, like you said, the same person. I'd LOVE a Booster/PG hook up. I just can't imagine PG lowering herself to going out with Booster! He'd be dating WAY over his station!

    Sorry Falisha... :-)

  13. Exactly. Do they just make them more stacked up top on Earth 2 or has Supergirl just not fully developed yet? Who knows? Man You do not know how hard I've been lobbying for a Booster/Power Girl relationship. I can see them making so many jokes about one another. Yeah she's WAY out of his range but can you imagine that this is still the same Booster that joked with Ted and now he's a Time Cop so...yeah. Lol

    Lol @ you guys, Falisha was the FIRST one checking out racks!

  14. lol. You're good X.

    And J, lol I get tired of looking at my own. Sometimes I have to check out the reality and the comic world. Especially if you'll be reading. Lol.

  15. Lmao @ that reply. I did NOT expect that answer.

  16. HA! Falisha's reply just made my night! That was awesome!

    Wow, this post sure went off in some kind of direction, didn't it?

  17. Lol it really did, sorry for jumping off topic :P I definitely didn't expect to head about SB losing his virginity, then jumping to a bust comparing convo then to how awesome Falisha is.

  18. Lmao. Sorry X, didn't mean to transform the convo, but that's what makes blogging fun now! ^_^ But I am glad I made your night. :D

  19. No, please, continue to go off topic guys! I've gotta say, this was definitely one of the better threads on any of my postings!

  20. Very glad, lets see, while I have you both here, time for a debate. (I'm temporarily taking over your Blog X.) Who do you guys think is the Best of the Three Gotham City Sirens and why?

    I pick Harley. She's funny, she's bubbly, she can kick butt, and she's proven to be a hell of a mastermind. Also she's pretty smart, remember she was a Psychiatrist. And lastly she does have some enhanced strength and Abilities as well as immunity from Toxins and is as skilled a gymnast as Dick Grayson, of not better.

  21. Lol @ temporarily taking over X's blog. Nice!!

    But, to answer your question, although I am a HUGE Harley fan, but I'm going to have to go with Ms. Pamela "Poison Ivy" Isley. She is as bad as bad-ass can get. I'll admit early on when I started liking her I had no idea what she was capable of. But her being a scientist turned experiment just intrigued me.

    I love how she uses plant life as a weapon, almost like seeking revenge for plants in sense of what humans have done to them. Not to mention she is the number one Temptress there is. Can get any man she wants! lol How awesome is that.

    I'm glad she's teamed up with Catwoman and Harley to help save Gotham from crime.

  22. Go ahead and take over JT, I can't stop you!

    Huh, you know, before I read either of you guys responses, I was going to go with Catwoman! How about that, we each have a different favorite... Ever since the original Hush storyline, I'd become a pretty big fan of Catwoman. I loved the way she screwed Hush over at the conclusion of the Heart of Hush storyline, I like the way her relationship with Bruce pisses off all of the other members of the Bat-family, plus what's not to like about her outfit and that whip? :p

    Oh, and I've GOT to call you on calling Harley as good a gymnast as Dick is JT! Sure, she's talented and all, but come on, there's no way she's as skilled as Dick! I can kind of remember when Tim Drake figured out Dick Grayson was Robin, he figured it out because Robin did some kind of flip that only Dick Grayson had done before. Sure, Harley has skills, but I've got to defend my boy Grayson!

  23. Lol I swear when I asked I knew we'd each have a different pick. That's awesome though. Falisha I'll admit that Ivy is pretty damn awesome, especially in the last issue of Sirens, it really made me like her character.

    X, as a fan of Catwoman's costume I'll give you that, but nothing beats Harley's spandex. Also, the only reason I mentioned that is because I looked up Harley at and they literally had that under her attributes. Take it up with them buddy :P

  24. lol. we all have different taste in our comic women. :-p

    And J, lol I'll let the costume admiration slide this time! lol

  25. Once I read that comment about Catwoman and Harley's costume, I was thinking to myself, "Watch it there, JT, you KNOW Falisha is going to read that!"

    "She is also a spectacular gymnast, probably even exceeding the ability of Dick Grayson" WTF???????? I'm sorry, but that's ludicrous! See, that's why all of my professors always say not to trust anything you read on Wikipedia! Now I'm going to have to dig out the comic where Tim talks about Dick being the only gymnast alive who could pull off a quadruple somersault, or something like that. My question is, where did that Wiki contributer get that info exactly, since I didn't see a footnote after that statement?

  26. Lol I knew she'd let it slide because I'd sooner get her the outfit than look at Selina wear it in the comics. ;)

    Yeah that whole place is like a DC Wikia, I also don't know where they got their info from but they have like a strength scale and everything there, lol.

  27. Lmao X you are hilarious......You made my night.

    Lol @ not trusting wiki, X, you're a riot. Good laughs man good laughs.

    And JT, I don't know what to say to you sir. lol. You're off the hook this time. I know I'll catch you slipping some other time. lol.

  28. Man, you are SMOOTH JT...

    Thanks Falisha, I'm glad somebody thinks I'm funny! Most of the time, when I say something I'm met with baffled looks, or people just start shaking their heads at me.

    Pfft, I could join the Wiki if I wanted to JT, and write whatever I wanted too! I only believe what I read from their when they have footnotes attached. I actually had an English professor last semester who would give us an assignment on somebody/thing, and then would go to Wikipedia a few days before the paper was due and deliberately put misleading stuff in there to catch anybody who was using Wiki as their reference. I thought that was evil, but pretty funny. It also proved to me to NEVER trust ANY Wiki! If you want a laugh, check out this link to see what I mean.

  29. Lol I'll teach ya some things X...step one, get a super cool leather jacket and let ya hair fall down. ;-) lol

    I get that same look when a joke bombs, so of course, I rarely get it. ;-) Lol jk

    Lmao, the fact that your professor did that is hilarious. That's so wrong but just genius. Especially for the people who just copy paste from sites. And that Dido stuff is classic..."He may be Satan." I didn't know Dido was so hated.

  30. Aww you're welcome X!! Only telling the truth.

    And don't be telling J he smooooth. It'll go straight to his head. Lol. Truth be told, that's something that attracted me to him. But, I don't tell him that often. Lol, He tends to get cocky. lol

  31. Well, I think we should both expect a certain somebody to be really cocky now, Falisha!

    Wow JT, aren't we full of ourself! :-) That second line of yours had me laughing...

    Isn't that Didio stuff something? I mean, I personally can't STAND Marvel's EIC, Joe Quesada, that guy has wrecked the Marvel U like crazy, but I can't say the DCU has been overly filled with random deaths and stuff... No matter how bad Didio may be, Quesada is like 100 times worse!

  32. Lol. I know I started something terrible!!

    You guys remind me of a pair of old best buds. lol. Too cute. You guys get along so nicely! Always good to find a nice person online. :D

    Okay. I'm off to bed. I waited for your replies X. lol. See you are one of my favorite people. :D

  33. Lol she's exaggerating, I'm not that bad. :)

    Hm...I always saw Quesada's little messages on ASM but I never knew he was wrecking Marvel. Was he the dude behind the Brand New Day Spidey stuff?

  34. Nah, it is true what Falisha says though, we really do get along well. REALLY well. It's always nice when I lay down to go to sleep and check my e-mail and see like 12 comments from you on the blogs!

    Oh yeah, Joe Q is the mastermind behind everything that comes out of Marvel for the past 8-10 years now. He's the Editor In Cheif, so if he sees a story he doesn't like, he could put the kibosh on it. Although I'm always railing about Yost and BENDIS, ultimately, it's Joe Q who allows them to do the sorts of stories they do, so to me, he's the worst one of them all.

  35. I agree, same here, around the late night I figure that's usually when you blog so I'll check and see if you've posted so I can add my replies on our numerous conversations. Falisha knows how much I enjoy our conversations X.

    Man, so if Joe is that bad, along with bendis and Yost who was in Marvel, does Marvel have any good writers besides Brubaker?

  36. :) Aww well I'm glad that what I said is true and you BOTH agree. I do the same things now, just wait patiently until a lil past 12 for them emails to roll in for replies to your blog x. lol.

    And I used to wonder why J was ALWAYS commenting on your blog. Now I know why. You're such an awesome guy. (You too J lol)

    And yes I do know how much he enjoys your convo. :D He talks about yall's convo all the time. :D

  37. Aww, you guys are too nice! You're going to make me start getting all sappy and stuff! :-)

    There are def a couple of really good writers at Marvel right now JT, it's just that unfortunately, the real sucky ones seem to be doing most of the high profile stuff. Besides Brubaker, off the top of my head, I'd name Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning, Christos Gage, and Dan Slott as guys who almost always produce quality work. It feels like I'm missing somebody real obvious... Oh well, it'll prob come to me some time tomorrow, and I'll prob suddenly shout it out at some wholly inappropriate time...

  38. Awww check us out like a nice happy family :) We're like The Blog Trinity. (I call dibs on Bats. :P)

    Does Joe Kelly still work at Marvel? Also, I'm assuming one of the guys you mentioned is writing the Dark Wolverine stuff, which one would that be?

  39. Aww I call dibs on Wonder Woman!! :D Awesome! lol. ANd we are not too nice we're just telling the truth sir. :D

  40. Well, I guess that makes me Superman. I'm down with that. Oh, and I'm def glad you called WW Falisha, because it would have been weird if I was WW and you were Supes.

    I don't think Joe is doing anything regularly for Marvel, JT. I could be wrong though. I know he did a few issues of Amazing Spider-Man not that long ago, but since that series comes out three times a month, the creative staff changes a lot.

    There ya go, that's who I forgot, Daniel Way! Not only has he been doing great things in Dark Wolverine, he's also been really strong on Wolverine Origins... Well, I did say that I'd forgotten somebody really obvious!

  41. Lmao, I was gonna give you Bats if you wanted him but I'll gladly take the Dark Knight's role. now if Falisha HAD picked Supes that'd be very awkward.

    Good point, I didn't know if he still wrote for them regularly or not, I just recalled him working on ASM not that long ago as you said.

    Daniel Way, Im gonna look that dude up. So I read the Kick-Ass series by Mark Millar today and loved it, what do you think of him, considering he wrote Civil War?

  42. Lol, by default you are Superman. :D And if I wanted to be Supes, I could have! We won't play that sexist game in here mister! But I'm fine with the picks, Batman and WW had/have a thing going on, lol I just know it. So it's like me and JT. lol

  43. *Ahem* Well you know Falisha, Supes and WW have had a thing as well... In a few realities, like Kingdom Come, they end up together. ;-)

    Mark Millar is a superstar when it comes to writing comics, there's no question about that. Civil War is, was, and always will be a mess in my eyes, but I'm not sure how much of that is his fault, and how much was editorial's fault. His recent Fantastic Four run was just abysmal, but some things, like his Wolverine work is mind-blowingly good. Besides the old Man Logan storyline, he was also behind a couple of other great Wolvie stories from the early/mid-2000's, like Enemy of the State. His work early on in the Ultimates was pretty fantastic as well. He's def an ambitious writer, which can lead to some really good stories, or some bigtime bombs.

  44. Lol I was gonna tell her that, but in OUR Reality, as shown by the horrible horrible BN WW, Dianna has a thing for our Caped Crusdaer. ;-)

    Ah, so he's either really good or really bad, like Morrison?

  45. I was well aware Supes and Wonder Woman had a thing, I was atcually HOPING they went through with that story line. But I likes the idea of Bats and WW. lol. UNLESS you're suggesting we try the WW Supes thing X?? lol

    And J, lol its Diana. Get it right!? lol. And I still would like to KNOW about this thing her and Bruce had. They have them all kissing and what not, but don't give me no juicy gossip behind it. One more reason I hate Greg Rucka

  46. As long as JT is reading this Falisha, I didn't say anything of the sort! ;-) I don't need him hunting me down and messing me up!

    I honestly can't think of any instance when Diana showed some kind of real attraction to Bruce... Well, besides the aforementioned horrible BN: WW. It was always Supes and Diana. I know they spent like 500 years or something weird like that trapped in an alternate dimesion together, and that Lois had some suspicions about the two of them, although Diana assured her nothing happened. I'd guess that if Lois wasn't in the picture, WW would prob jump at the chance to be with Supes. I just don't get that same feeling with Bruce though. I mean, if there was an attraction, what was stopping them?

    Yeah, except that Mark isn't as crazy as I think Grant is, JT. Even the stuff from Grant that I like seems pretty outlandish/insane, while Mark's work is more... let's say easier to understand.

  47. Lol I'm always watching, ever vigilant like a Hawk....or um..Batman ;-)

    Mark's stuff is kinda simple, i mean the idea of Kick-Ass or Wanted is more simple than anything yet still very good.

  48. lol. X, once again sir, you've made me laugh.

    And as far as the Bat/WW attraction thing. I've read so much WW I honestly can't remember where. But it's not full blown all in your face I love you type affection, it's small things like comments or looks. I do remember in a couple episodes of Justice League Unlimited it was hinted. Maybe even in a couple movies.

    But Hey, nothing is wrong with Supes. lol. He's pretty good looking too. lol. And you know how Bruce is about getting all close and lovey Dovey with women, it's minimal. I blame Bruce for them not being together lol.

  49. Yeah, I figured I couldn't slip anything past you SeƱor Batman!

    Yeah, I know what you're saying Falisha. Right off the top of my head, I can think of the way they were in the early issues of the recent JLA series, as well as when he sets her up with her fake ID early on in the WW series. They do seem really close(which is def unusual for Bats), but things always seemed more friendly then flirty to me.

    Yeah, I def blame Bruce too, he seems completely unable to get emotionally invested in a woman for an extended amount of time. He either runs around with women to keep up his, "Bruce Wayne, playboy" image, or he seems unable to fully commit to a relationship, like with Selina. I guess it's because deep down, he's still that little 8 year old kid who is obsessed with avenging his parent's deaths...

  50. The main thing I don't get about Bruce is he usually keeps women away because they get hurt around him. Ala Silver St. Cloud and Selina getting her heart yanked out by Hush like he was a Black Lantern. But Wonder Woman is damn near invulnerable so if he were to get with her he would have nothing to worry about right?

  51. Maybe I was trying to get them together in my head X. Lol. I do recall in this Trinity Graphic novel I have WW and Supes givin me that flirt vibe.

    He needs to grow up x! lol. Get him a nice woman settle down get some lil bruce's running around.

    And J, I get what you're saying about him having nothing to worry about if he got with WW. BUT I honestly think, he mentally has to save the ones he love. Like I don't think he can handle a woman holding her own. Then again it may be the competition between them, who knows. I would like to get some type of fling going. lol. Even if its a one night stand.

  52. "heart yanked out by Hush like he was a Black Lantern." Huh, how about that, Hush was a Black Lantern before there even were Black Lanterns! In Bruce's bizarre mind, if something happened to WW, even if it had nothing to do with him or his enemies, he'd prob still blame himself.

  53. Good point by both you guys. So since Bats is "dead" does that make me Grayson momentarily until Big Bruce gets back? Or does that make us Dick, Donna and Mon-El?

  54. Hmm. Great Question....either way I'll be WW or Donna I like them both. They have nice "assets" lmao.

  55. Ha, there goes Falisha talking about "assets" again! It looks like this post has gone full-circle!

    Supes, Mon-El it doesn't matter to me. I'm just glad that MY character(s)could beat yours in an arm wrestling contest! ;-)

  56. Lol you see who's more obsessed with assets in the relationship. :P

    Oh really? Not if my character has a Kryptonite or Lead ring on. :P Hahahahahahaha!!! Whatcha gone do now?! :)

  57. Lmao, I know I know, I think like a man sometimes. It's funny sometimes to see how you "guys" think. And I'm not obsessed, we wont go there J. Lol.

    My character will beat BOTH you guys characters in a arm wrestling contest. :D Take that! ha!

  58. I don't know Falisha, I'm kind of thinking JT may be right with the whole obsessed thing. :p

    Wow, JT, so you'd resort to killing my guys just to win in an arm wrestling contest? Harsh! Hmm, you may just be right Falisha... I'd imagine that my guys would become quite distracted at the "assest" you keep mentioning! :-)

  59. Lol you're right X, she's obsessed. She knows it as well, she just won't admit it. :P

    Yeah, I'm a predator and Batman's fear is off reputation. You know how afraid villains would be if they knew I killed the man of steel over an arm wrestling match? And yeah, Falisha's characters would definitely have the edge, especially if they borrowed one of those Power girl tops.
