Friday, April 6, 2012

Spider-Man vs. Al Gore

Hey everyone, in my plan to take over every blog in the world, I convinced X to give me power at THIS blog too! What a maroon... Anyway here's my first ever scan!

Remember that time Spidey punch out Gore because he heard he pulled a Clinton with Mary Jane?


  1. HA!! So wait, I get you to work on this blog for me, for free, and I'm the maroon?! :P I gotta say, I don't know what ya did, but the scan came out looking great, especially considering the issues you were having with it last night. Now for the interesting part... How long before you get tired of this blog and stop posting here? :D

  2. Lol, Lisha helped me, that's what i did. And yeah, you're a maroon, cause... ya know... you just are. :P And who knows, I already have posts scheduled up until Tuesday.

  3. "Lisha helped me" That explains how you got that scanner to work! :P If it would have been left up to just you, you STILL wouldn't have a post up! :D See, no censor anymore, and it's all your fault!

  4. Lol damn right it does sucka! And I don't need your censorship cause ill just talk about how much I increased traffic at your Blog :-P I am the king Midas of!

  5. You know... If you REALLY wanted to get more traffic to this blog, you'd do a news post or something over at the other blog and plug the fact that you're here... As it is, I think only you, me, and possibly Lisha know that you're doing posts here... Just sayin'... :P

    1. Last I checked that was your job sucka! Plus, ya know, I'm busy scanning pictures. Lol

    2. HA!!! Welcome to my world, JT! I used to do 6 reviews a night, scan pictures and then walk, UPHILL, 34 miles to go to school! In a blizzard! In June!! While being chased by bears!!! I am the MAN!!!!

    3. Lmao... I can't even dispute that. You win sir. You win.
