Saturday, May 22, 2010

Fantastic Four #290(May 1986)

And here's reason #361 why super-villains never win... Instead of arguing amongst yourselves, KILL the heroes!!! Sheesh...


  1. Lmao. Why IS that? Like, you'd rather sit here 5 minutes arguing about something stupid rather than going after the person you've been chasing for however long. Lol, when will they learn.

  2. I really hate Sue's hair like that. She looks like Johnny in the next-to-last panel.

  3. Exactly Falisha! Just kill them already!!! Then you can argue for as long as you want!

    So do I Kello... And I bet we weren't the only ones confusing Sue and Johnny, because eventually John switches up Johnny's hairstyle so that you can actually tell them apart from the neck up!

  4. welll it's Annihilus, the guy who defines paranoia... He would kill even a paraplegic mouse if he thinks it threatened him.

  5. Yeah, seeing as that Annihilus is, "The Living Death that Walks" that pretty much says it all right there! Much like Thanos(but for differing reasons), Annihilus simply wants everything dead. Plain and simple.
