Saturday, February 13, 2010

Cable & Deadpool #18(Oct. 2005)

Ah good times... How I miss this series.


  1. This is so awesome. "Deadpoo" saying he's like a NBA player is just classic.

  2. Man, looking back at this series helped remind me of just how great it was. Even when the story wasn't particularly good, there would always be a few lines that had me laughing out loud.

  3. I love Deadpool, he says the most random things. I feel like Deadpool running into The Joker would be comedy gold.

  4. There are SO many different ways you could go with a Deadpool/Joker comic! Man, that would be great! Marvel, DC, get on that!

  5. Exactly. I mean would they team up? Would we see Bruce and Deadpool team up? Maybe Bruce and Cable looking for Deadpool and Joker? Possibilities are endless.
